Interesting facts about cats

1. Cats can jump up to six times their height.

Did you know about the paradox that the higher the height from which cats fall (jump down), the lower the chances of injury? This gymnastics in their ancestors has encouraged the evolution of a system located in the inner ear that allows it.

2. The largest cat in the world weighs 14 kilograms and is an incredible 120 centimeters long.

Cat Omar caught attention when his owner from Melbourne, Stefi Hirst, posted his photo on a account specialized in cat photos. The giant cat weighs 14 kilograms and eats raw kangaroo meat for dinner.

3. The oldest cat recorded in history was 38 years old.

The absolute record holder in terms of age was a cat named Creme Puff from Texas, who lived an impressive 38 years.

4. Cats can run up to 50 km/h.

If necessary, cats can be faster than Usain Bolt. They are capable of a very precise gait because they can accurately sense that the place where the front paw is located directly coincides with the place of the hind paw, reducing noise.

5. Cats can be "left-handed" and "right-handed."

Cats have a dominant paw, just like in humans it is the right or left hand. Most female cats use the right paw, while males usually use the left

for the control and balance of their body.

6. Cats spend 70% of their time sleeping.

This means that a cat that is around nine years old, spends awake only about three years. However, cats rarely sleep deeply, to be exact, most of the time they are actually napping, and deep sleep in them lasts only a few minutes. 

7. A cat's brain is more similar to a human brain than a dog's brain.

Cats are very intelligent animals, but they usually do not show their emotions.

8. The strongest sense in cats is the sense of hearing.

Cats can hear high-frequency sounds, which surpasses both dogs and humans. The cat's ear flaps can rotate 180 degrees, making them very mobile. 

9. Cats modify the sound of their meow depending on the situation..

Cats meow for many reasons, ranging from serious to just to get attention. Some of the most common causes are hunger, seeking attention, loneliness, stress, age, illness, etc.

The reason why cats purr has not been scientifically proven..

There are many assumptions as to why cats knead, such as sending signals of pacification and expressing a desire to alleviate someone's aggression. They may also knead when something hurts them, as a way to try to alleviate their pain.

Cats have hundreds of thousands of hairs per just a few centimeters of skin. 

The cat's body is on average covered with about 52,000 hairs per square centimeter.

12. The smallest cat breed in the world is the singapura cat.

It is an extremely rare breed known for its fur color. In 1991, the Singapore cat was declared a national treasure of Singapore. This breed reaches its full size only at the age of two. The average weight is about 2.7 kilograms - males, or 1.8 kilograms for females.

13. Cats sweat through their paws

Cats sweat a little through their paws, but rely mostly on the evaporation of saliva on their fur to maintain a normal body temperature. Licking the fur regulates one third of the cooling process. 

14. They have built-in GPS

Many cats know how to find their way home. Many experts explain this in different ways - from being guided by sunlight to the Earth's magnetic fields. Be that as it may, there are a large number of noted cases in which cats traveled an incredible number of kilometers to return home to their owner. 

15. The oldest cat breed is the Egyptian mau cat

Every connoisseur and lover of ancient Egypt already associates the name of this breed of cats with the land of the pyramids and the time when the cat was considered a sacred animal. "Mau" means cat in the Egyptian language, and according to recent research, this breed originates from the time of old Egypt.The genetic codes of the cat mummies found in Egypt correspond to the genetic code of the Egyptian mau cat, which was proved by the British zoologist Morrison Scott.